As part of our ongoing review of employee benefits we are able to offer our teams members, we have reviewed the use of Tingdene Group accommodation for holiday stays to make this more accessible for all team members.

The below is a break down of discounts and guidelines surrounding holiday stays:

  • Tingdene Group team members can stay with a 40% discount, in a company owned unit, at any time of year (subject to availability)

  • This offer is available to both THPL and Waterfront Living accommodation

  • Friends and family of team members may also have access to holiday stays in a company owned unit and may receive a 25% discount of the tariff (subject to availability)

  • The number of stays a team member can use group accommodation is not capped

Below is a list of all the Parks we currently offer staff holiday stays at:

  • Waveney River Centre, Beccles, Suffolk

  • Waterfront Living, Upton Lake, Upton-upon-Severn, Worcester

  • Broadlands Park & Marina, Lowestoft, Suffolk

Other uses of accommodation:

  • We understand that from time to time our accommodation may be used by Team members who are  solely travelling for work purposes. In these instances, accommodation will not be charged. Final approval must be obtained from an Associate Director or Director prior to the stay.

  • If a team member is travelling for work purposes, but decides to coincide the stay with a leisure break for themselves/friends/family, this must be requested and approved by an Associate Director or Director. These requests and associated costs will be dealt with on a case by case basis

To book, or enquire about accommodation availability please contact the following team members: