The provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to assist you to undertake your daily tasks remains the responsibility of the company.

Whilst the company will provide you with the PPE you require to undertake your daily tasks there may become a time when your equipment is either old and worn, rendering it not fit for task, or you may need additional equipment to enable you to undertake the task set.

Both yourself and the company are responsible for your safety in the workplace. If you find that you do not have the correct PPE to undertake your set tasks, please bring this to the attention of your Line Manager. Alternatively download and complete the PPE Requirement Form below outlining the equipment you need in the right hand column.

Once the equipment has been provided to you, you will be required to sign the form to confirm receipt.

You should not carry out any tasks that require PPE that you do not have.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all PPE equipment provided to you by the company fits correctly, you should not make do! If an item does not fit correctly (safety goggles by example) you should report this to your Line Manager and not complete any tasks requiring the specific PPE item until it is correctly fitted.

Help us to help you and all other employees reduce accidents in the workplace.