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Health & Safety


Health & Safety


To provide an effective system of communication throughout the company to minimise risk to employees and encourage co-operation and participation for high standards of Health and Safety.



Tingdene group health and safety policy statement

Tingdene Group Coivd 19 Protocol.jpeg

Control of Infectious Disease Policy

Control of Infectious Disease Policy


To view specific sections of Control of Infectious Diseased Policy in the viewer, flip to the ‘Content's’ page and click on the particular section you require, you will then be taken to that page automatically.
To return to the contents page, click the ‘Contents’ link on the bottom left of each spread.

 (if you download a PDF version, please ensure that prior to relying on its content at a future date you check on the portal to ensure you are viewing the most up to date version)

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Health & Safety Queries

Health & Safety Queries

If you have a Health & Safety concern or need some general help and advice, please complete our employee form below. 
We will process your query as soon as possible and with strict confidentiality.


Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment

The provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to assist you to undertake your daily tasks remains the responsibility of the company.

Whilst the company will provide you with the PPE you require to undertake your daily tasks there may become a time when your equipment is either old and worn, rendering it not fit for task, or you may need additional equipment to enable you to undertake the task set.

Both yourself and the company are responsible for your safety in the workplace. If you find that you do not have the correct PPE to undertake your set tasks, please bring this to the attention of your Line Manager. Alternatively download and complete the PPE Requirement Form below outlining the equipment you need in the right hand column.

Once the equipment has been provided to you, you will be required to sign the form to confirm receipt.

You should not carry out any tasks that require PPE that you do not have.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all PPE equipment provided to you by the company fits correctly, you should not make do! If an item does not fit correctly (safety goggles by example) you should report this to your Line Manager and not complete any tasks requiring the specific PPE item until it is correctly fitted.

Help us to help you and all other employees reduce accidents in the workplace.

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DSE Policy

DSE Policy

The Tingdene Group recognises its responsibilities towards users of display screen equipment under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulation 1992 (as amended 2002) and aims to fulfil these obligations by application of this policy.

The policy has been reviewed and updated to be in line with the above regulation and should be used by all managers as the basis to manage all DSE users for the Group. This policy clearly outlines the Groups policy on DSE workstation assessments, the role of the DSE assessor, health surveillance and the reimbursement policy for eye tests and spectacles for DSE work.

Kindly note that it is not necessary to complete new DSE assessments using the new form until existing assessments have expired. Old versions of the policy and appendices should now be archived.

The policy and its appendices can also be accessed in the Group H&S T-drive folders: T:\GROUP\Health & Safety\POLICY\Display Screen Equipment-DSE

As always, if you have any queries, please feel free to contact our Group Health & Safety Manager, Andrew Edwards.




You can request a Display Screen Equipment workstation assessment from your line manager by completing and submitting the form below.

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Report an Incident / Accident / Near Miss

Report an Incident / Accident / Near Miss


Before filling in the form below, please ensure that you have told your supervisor or line manager of your work-related accident or incident.

You then need to complete the form if any of the following events have taken place:


An unexpected event that causes death, injury or ill health. Including injury from acts of violence to employees at work.  (Death and specified injuries as per RIDDOR Regs 2013 are reportable under RIDDOR.)


An unexpected event that does not result in injury but may cause damage and has a significant risk to merit internal recording. (Dangerous Occurrence only reportable under RIDDOR.)


  • Near miss: an incident that has the potential to cause harm but does not result in injury but must be recorded internally. (Not reportable under RIDDOR)

  • Dangerous Occurrence: is a near miss incident with the potential to cause death, serious injury or incapacity as outlined in categories under schedule 2 sections 1&2 RIDDOR Regs 2013 that must be reported.


Diagnosed work related diseases as outline in categories under regulation 8 RIDDOR Regs 2013 that must be reported.


A work -related accident or incident that involves a person not an employee of the Tingdene Group. (Work related accidents involving non-employees such as members of the public must be reported (RIDDOR) if said person is injured and is taken to hospital for treatment to that injury).

If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to our Health & Safety Manager, Andrew at

Note: there is a separate form for vehicle accidents/incidents so please head to that form if the incident was involving a vehicle.

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Report a Vehicle Accident / Incident

Report a Vehicle Accident / Incident

Have you been in a company vehicle (or vehicle you are using to undertake company duties) accident, or have you been involved in a vehicle incident?  

If so please report the incident below.

You will be asked for the following information so please have these to hand when completing the form;

Personal Details
Name, Email, Company Employer,  Base Location

Accident Details
Date, Time, Vehicle Registration, Location, People Involved, Weather, Emergency Services, Account of events leading up to accident, Mitigating Factors & Influencing Factors, Personal Opinions, Pictures of Accident/Incident.

Once you have completed the form click on the submit button.


H&S Sign Catalogue

H&S Sign Catalogue

Welcome to our comprehensive Health & Safety Sign Catalogue. This collection features a wide range of signs designed to ensure safety and compliance in our various environments.

Use the menu below to explore our signage categories. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can request a bespoke sign as a last resort.

Prohibition Signs

These are round signs with a white background and a red border. A red diagonal line crosses out a black image, showing what you must not do.

Warning Signs

These are triangle signs with a yellow background, black border, and black image. The image shows the type of warning, like a fire hazard.

Safe condition signs

These are green square or rectangle signs with white images or text. They often have an arrow showing which way to go.

Mandatory signs

These are blue circular signs with a white image or text inside. The white image or text tells you what action you must take.


These are usually a red square or rectangle signs with white images. They show where your fire-fighting equipment is.

fire action signs

These signs give fire instructions. They are usually blue on a white background, but can also glow in the dark.


These signs are used to control traffic. They come in different shapes and colors, like red circles for prohibitions, blue circles for mandatory actions, and triangles for warnings.


These signs were custom-made to meet specific needs. As we have the files on hand, we can make changes to these. Submit a request to order. If you can’t find what you need, we can create a custom sign for you. Please use the form below for both circumstances.

order / request bespoke signs

Please complete the form below to request a bespoke sign. Be sure to provide a reason for your request, confirm its necessity, and check that it is not already available in this website.